Monday, October 27, 2014

Flying Hats!

Halloween is almost here!  I'm resurrecting the video we did for HLTV a couple of years ago for the special occasion.  For several years, we have had a Halloween Display in our front yard of flying witch's hats...Super cool.  Super easy to do!

It is really fun to see cyclists, walkers, and even cars stopping to take pics under the flying hats!  Isn't that what Halloween is all about?  Fun!
The trick is to hang the hats high enough to clear the tops of cars, but low enough to be easily seen!
Getting the hats lined up...preflight!

I love how soothing they are blowing in the wind! 
This segment shows the process!

My Tips for Hanging Hats

Get the best, sturdiest ladder you have or can afford to rent. 

Don't even think about hanging them up on a windy day....Just don't.  The hats will catch in the wind and over you will go.  The lines are heavier than you think. Don't.  
No matter how you hang them - they will sag a bit by the next day.  Adjustments will have to be made.  If you rent a ladder, plan for a two day rental.

Like many things, they take longer to put up than take down...Use a pole tree saw to cut the fishing wire to let the hats down...Be kind to your trees and don't leave fishing line on their limbs.  This could strangle the tree or cause it to grow around the line.    

If the hats have to be adjusted due to a broken line or sagging, don't sweat it.  Just adjust and go on!  You are already super cool because you went to the trouble of string hats in your rule!

Happy Halloween!
~The Witch <|;)